Central Asian migrants face xenophobic backlash in Russia after Moscow terror attack

CNN  —  The four men accused of a deadly terror attack on Moscow’s Crocus City concert hall last week were quickly identified by Russian authorities as being from Tajikistan, a former Soviet republic in Central Asia. In the hours after the attack, videos began surfacing on Russian social media channels of the police detaining and brutally abusing the alleged attackers,…

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US approves bombs, jets for Israel amid threat of offensive in Gaza’s Rafah | Israel War on Gaza News

The United States has greenlighted the transfer of billions of dollars worth of bombs and fighter jets to Israel, The Washington Post reported, even as it publicly expresses concerns about the long-threatened Israeli invasion of Gaza’s Rafah and the rising civilian casualties in the enclave. The new arms package includes more than 1,800 MK84 2,000-pound…

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