Passenger in car pulled over for speeding in Dorchester is arrested for the gun loaded with eight bullets in his fanny pack, police say

A Mattapan man faces a variety of gun charges for the gun loaded with eight bullets that Boston Police report he had with him when officers pulled over the driver of the car he was in for speeding in Dorchester Wednesday afternoon. Police say the officers spotted a driver for speeding down Bird Street towards…

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Lawyer learns the hard way that AI still sucks; is fined for legal filings that included citations to fake cases ‘hallucinated’ by an AI program

Robert Ambrogi gets the scoop that the judge in a Norfolk County lawsuit has sanctioned a lawyer because at least four briefs his office submitted in one particular case were based in part on citations made up by an AI program about cases that never actually happened. Court records show that the lawyer, Steven Marullo…

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Más del 50% de los graduados universitarios en Estados Unidos están atrapados en empleos que no requieren títulos

Las prácticas profesionales y la experiencia relevante adquieren una relevancia cada vez mayor para los estudiantes universitarios (Imagen Ilustrativa Infobae) Un reciente estudio elaborado por The Burning Glass Institute y el Strada Institute for the Future of Work arrojó resultados preocupantes sobre el panorama laboral para los graduados universitarios en los Estados Unidos. Según los…

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Triplicó la tasa de alcohol permitida

Un cubano residente en La Pequeña Habana fue detenido tras comprobarse su responsabilidad en la muerte de un conductor en Coral Way en diciembre. Leonardo Remedios, de 41 años, iba en un Volkswagen Tiguan a más de 40 mph por encima del límite de velocidad cuando chocó contra el Nissan Altima de la víctima y…

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