
Foto: PL. El presidente de la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular de Cuba, Esteban Lazo, sostuvo un encuentro este domingo en la ciudad de Windhoek, Namibia, con colaboradores de la salud y de otros sectores de la nación caribeña en ese país africano. Durante el encuentro, el también presidente del Consejo de Estado explicó a…

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French actor Gérard Depardieu faces another sexual assault complaint over alleged groping

PARIS (AP) — French actor Gérard Depardieu faces another complaint of sexual assault, this time from a movie decorator who alleges he groped her during filming in 2021. In the complaint to the Paris prosecutor’s office, she accuses the 75-year-old Depardieu of sexual assault, sexual harassment and sexist insults, her Paris lawyer, Carine Durrieu Diebolt,…

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Helldivers 2 Sample Cheats Are ‘Ruining’ the Grind for Anyone Unlucky Enough to Play With Them

It was perhaps inevitable: cheating has hit early 2024 blockbuster Helldivers 2. Players have reported a variety of cheats and exploits for Arrowhead’s explosive co-op focused third-person shooter. Hacks are adding infinite ammo, increasing speed, and even allowing players to trigger ‘god mode’. Meanwhile, an infinite stratagem glitch is causing even more chaos on the…

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