Biden out with new ads and new campaign push for Latino, AANHIP vote

The Biden-Harris campaign hit the trail running on Tuesday morning, launching a pair of ads and an outreach program aimed at shoring up support among some of the minority communities that proved essential to victory in 2020.

Ads targeting the Asian American and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander and the Latino communities will air in the key swing states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, and look to draw a distinction between a second term of Biden administration or the return of former President Donald Trump.

“This election will determine whether insulin costs $35 a month or hundreds, whether women have the freedom to control their own bodies or doctors go to jail for performing an abortion – that’s the difference between Joe Biden and Donald Trump,” the campaign said, announcing the one of the ads.

The ad aimed at AANHPI community, titled “Better and Better,” highlights the impact Biden’s policies have had on an Arizona couple’s small business. According to the campaign, the business not only survived the pandemic, but expanded and added new employees.

“Biden is investing in businesses like ours. It’s incredible to have somebody advocating for small businesses. It’s never been that way,” Jenny Poon, of Phoenix, says in the ad.

Biden-Harris 2024 Campaign Manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez said in a statement that the campaign will not take any votes for granted heading into this November’s general election.

“This ad highlights the clear choice facing AANHPI communities in November – between Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, who will fight for small businesses and families, and Donald Trump, who is promising to double down on his failed and losing agenda of tax breaks for the ultra-wealthy and corporations,” she said.

The second ad, which was released in Spanish, Spanglish, and English, is called “Only one choice” or “Una Opción” and was released alongside the launch of Latinos con Biden-Harris, which the campaign describes as “an organizing program designed to reach and mobilize Latino voters across the country to reelect President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.”

The support of the Latino community was “critical” to Biden’s victory over Trump in 2020, his campaign manager says, and they’ll need that support in 2024.

Latinos con Biden-Harris will be essential to activating and mobilizing Latinos across the country, and importantly, is another way we are making clear with action that we are investing aggressively into earning the Latino vote,” Chavez Rodriguez said. “Our community has deep roots in organizing, and we are excited to harness that skillset to fight for our families, our communities, and against Donald Trump’s anti-Latino agenda. There’s too much at stake in this election.”

Biden followed the launch of Latinos con Biden-Harris with appearances on Nueva Network with Alex Lucas and Univision Radio with Raúl Molinar, where he tried to hammer home the difference between his administration and that of his opponent.

“But here’s the thing I want to stop, Trump, this Saturday, called migrants, he said they’re ‘not people.’ He says immigrants are ‘poisoning the blood of this country,’ separated children from parents at the border, caged the kids, planned mass deportations systems, tens of thousands of people here and wants to end birthright citizenship. I mean, we have to stop this guy. We can’t let this happen. We are a nation of immigrants,” Biden said.

According to the Trump campaign, Biden’s ad blitz is just a sign that he’s worried about the support of targeted voters.

“Hispanic voters are rejecting what Joe Biden is selling. The last three years of Bidenomics have left Hispanic Americans poorer,” Alex Pfeiffer, spokesman for Make America Great Again Inc., said in an emailed statement.

According to a Morning Consult poll of over 5,000 registered voters released Monday, Biden and Trump are currently tied in their race for the White House.

“Trump and Biden are tied in the general election matchup, with 43% support each, compared with a 1-percentage-point advantage for the presumptive Republican nominee last week. While Trump consistently led Biden during most of the first two months of 2024, the race has narrowed in recent weeks,” pollsters wrote.

Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump talks as former first lady Melania Trump listens as they leave after voting in the Florida primary election in Palm Beach, Fla., yesterday.
Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump talks as former first lady Melania Trump listens as they leave after voting in the Florida primary election in Palm Beach, Fla., yesterday. (AP Photo/Wilfredo Lee)

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