Biden’s bizarre interview with Robert Hur when the president made car sounds

At first, I thought I was watching another Congressional hearing on immigration, and not on Joe Biden’s mishandling of classified documents.

After all, there was star witness Robert Hur, a Korean American, opening his testimony before the House Judiciary Committee not on the documents but on the Korean roots of his parents.

Hur, 51, the special counsel appointed to investigate Biden, began by pointing out that he was the first member of his family to be born in the U.S.

A poster boy in a legal immigration American Dream story, Hur talked about his parents’ early years growing up in Korea during the Korean War before they eventually migrated to the U.S.

“My father remembers being hungry and grateful for the food that American GIs shared with him and his siblings,” Hur said. “My mother fled what is now North Korea in her own mother’s arms, heading south to safety.

“My parents eventually met, married and came to the U.S., seeking a better life for themselves and for their children. Their lives and mine would have been very different were it not for this country,” Hur said.

Hur, a graduate of Harvard and Stanford Law School, and a career employee of the U.S. Justice Department, said he agreed to serve as special counsel out of gratitude and his commitment to the U.S.

Despite being battered by both Republicans and Democrats seeking political advantage, Hur stuck by the basic thesis of his report. It was that although Biden “risked serious damage” to the country by willfully retaining classified document he was not supposed to have after he left the vice presidency, he would not be prosecuted.

And while Democrat Reps. Gerry Nadler of New York and Pramila Jayapal of Washington claimed that Hur had exonerated Biden, Hur shot back, “I did not exonerate him. That word does not appear in the report.”

That aside, much of the color of Hur’s interviews with Biden did not come up because members did not get the full 258-page transcript until the morning of the hearing.

The transcript, in which Biden was questioned by Hur and his deputy Mark Kirkbaum, includes bizarre tales about Biden using a bow and arrow during a visit to Mongolia, the location of his presidential library and his vintage Corvette, (Pages 66-68), which Biden imitated by making noises like a car. Presumably, vroom, vroom.

Biden’s Corvette came up because it was garaged at Biden’s Wilmington, Del. home along with a box of classified documents, and Biden wanted to talk about it and how fast the Corvette could go.

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