Healey travel flap a non-issue – Boston Herald

The governor’s missing!

Where, oh where could she be?

Oh, wait a minute there she is, prancing around in a bright orange Dunkin’ suit on TV on St. Patrick’s Day. She’s not hiding. Kind of hard to miss a bright orange Dunkin jumpsuit. I guess we’re okay now.

While the Boston Globe and Mass GOP are making a big deal about Healey being out of state for four days and not saying where she went, the vast majority of voters don’t care. It’s a non-issue.

The media should have much bigger fish to fry than badgering her about where she was for four days.

Badger her about the MBTA, or the state budget crisis, or runaway UMass expenses or the migrant crisis. There are plenty of issues to criticize Healey on.

The state’s not going to fall apart while Healey and Lt. Gov. Kim Driscoll are out of town on personal business, leaving Secretary of State William Galvin in charge.

There’s something called the Internet, iphones and Zoom now – you’re always in reach in case of emergency. Millions of people work remotely from home now without even checking into an office.

But the Globe clutching its pearls over Healey not saying where she was for four days is absurd.

Most average people will give her the benefit of the doubt.

She could be helping a sick relative get medical treatment. We don’t know. The governor has a right to some kind of private life.

Security is a legitimate issue in this day and age. The governor’s office doesn’t want to be advertising every movement she makes. It’s unreasonable to expect Healey to disclose her personal time.

It’s not like she left the state and didn’t alert anyone. She followed the proper channels. There’s no law she has to notify the Globe when she leaves town on a personal trip..

When politicians like Boston Mayor Michelle Wu don’t have public schedules, we don’t know where they are.

Massachusetts governors over the last few decades have routinely left the state, whether it’s for vacation or family business or even hunting trips.

William Weld used to check out routinely at 2 p.m. and you couldn’t find him. The press corps would just laugh about it. The Globe ignored it.

Does anyone think the state was in jeopardy because Healey wasn’t physically present in the state for four days? It’s not like she was disappearing for months at a time.

She’s usually accessible to reporters and didn’t cave on this issue, doubling down on her right to privacy.

“I continue to provide details about all of my work-related travel,” she said Monday, directly addressing the issue. “I’ve also said that my personal life is my personal life and I’m going to work to make sure that privacy is maintained for my family.”

She could be not disclosing her trips because it’s of a very personal nature.

If the Globe really wants to go down that slippery slope, then it’s Healey’s right to refuse to disclose her whereabouts.

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